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March 5, 2024

306: Can AI Boost Sales? - with Ryan Staley

306: Can AI Boost Sales? - with Ryan Staley


In this week’s episode of Scale Your SaaS, host and B2B SaaS Sales Coach Matt Wolach sat down with Ryan Staley, Founder and CEO of Whale Boss, a cutting-edge consultancy at the forefront of integrating AI for revenue teams. In this insightful discussion, Ryan shares his journey, from achieving success in sales to harnessing the power of AI to drive unprecedented growth.




Podcast: Scale Your SaaS with Matt Wolach

Episode: Episode No. 306, “Can AI Boost Sales - with Ryan Staley”

Guest: Ryan Stanley, Founder & CEO at Whale Boss

Host: Matt Wolach, a B2B SaaS Sales Coach, Entrepreneur, and Investor

Sponsored by: Leadfeeder


Embracing AI for Sales Success

The conversation began delving into AI and its potential impact on scaling SaaS businesses. Ryan reflects on his introduction to AI and how it instantly resonated with his extensive sales experience. He emphasizes the transformative power of AI, citing instances where it delivered remarkable results in terms of quality, quantity, and speed.

Promoting Professional Growth

Drawing from his climb up the corporate ladder, Ryan shares valuable advice for professionals aiming for promotions. He stresses the importance of owning your numbers, proactively seeking improvement, and understanding your boss's evaluation criteria. Building a personal connection with superiors beyond the workplace is also critical to career advancement.

Getting Started with AI

Ryan urges SaaS leaders to embrace AI from day one in the era of exponential technological growth. He recommends starting small, incorporating AI into daily routines, and documenting use cases and ideas for future applications. By consistently experimenting and learning, businesses can unlock the immense potential that AI brings to the table.



The Dangers of Overreliance

While AI offers incredible efficiency and effectiveness, Ryan warns against overreliance without understanding the fundamentals. He highlights the risk of people neglecting core skills and becoming dependent on AI as a crutch. Ryan's advice is to strike a balance – leverage AI for its strengths but ensure a continued focus on personal growth and skill development.

Strategic Focus on High-Value Clients

Ryan encourages SaaS leaders to gain a deep understanding of their top clients' Annual Contract Value (ACV). Software businesses can significantly boost revenue and deal size by focusing attention and resources on the top 20% of clients.

Final Advice on the Use of AI

As the conversation ends, it's evident that AI is not just a tool but a catalyst for unprecedented growth and transformation. Ryan's journey serves as an inspiration for SaaS professionals looking to leverage AI, ensuring they not only survive but thrive in the rapidly evolving landscape. 



Ryan Staley


[17:37] “The more people that I can help avoid that and be able to sp

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